Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Beachbody Challenge!

Have you heard the good news?  Beachbody has upped the ante! Visit the Beachbody Challenge page to commit to getting fit starting August 1, 2011.  Beachbody will send you a wristband just for making the commitment.  When you submit before and after photos you will get a free t-shirt.  But that isn't all! Oh, no, there's more!

Each day you workout in the Wowy Super Gym you will be part of a special group and will be eligible for daily and monthly prizes! Prizes like $500 a day!  You can also win $1000 cash, free trips, even up to $100,000 just for submitting your story!  What are you waiting for?

I signed up!  You should too!  Let's get fit together!

If you don't have a Beachbody Coach or a Beachbody account visit my website to sign up for a free membership and get started!  I'd love to help you get healthy and fit.  We can start today to be a healthier you tomorrow. ;)

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