Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Insanity - Week 3 DONE!

This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where I shut up and put up. I am not turning back and I really am enjoying myself. Even though I hate these workouts every freaking morning I turn them on. I do. I dread it. I hate it. I can't stand it even. But as soon as I start I'm a little better. Once I finish the warm up I'm ok. By the time I'm done I am amazing! I don't want to give up that feeling so I push through those first feelings I have every morning.

We had a minor hiccup in week three. Actually I think it was my hiccup but hubby let it be the both of us. :) I woke up last Wednesday morning with a bad headache and a little nausea. I hadn't slept well and I was feeling it. I just couldn't think of pressing play. So we took Wednesday off. I had my fit club still that day so we did get a workout in. It was a fun one though, we did Yoga Booty Ballet.  :) We worked out on Sunday instead. So this week we will not have a break until next Sunday! That will be 10 workouts in a row! Some of which will be done in Reno. :) I'm looking forward to a little vacation! :)

I wanted to let you guys know how great my hubby is doing! That scale is in love with him or something. A few days ago he was down 9 pounds, now I'm sure it's at least 10. He just isn't telling me because guess what? That lying bitch of a scale hates me.:) Yes. I said it. And I don't cuss. But she really does! I lost about 2 pounds over the last three weeks. Seriously? And I get on the scale this morning...I'm back to my original weight! Yeah! Seriously!!! It's a good thing I'm not doing this just for the weight loss because I'd be packing it up and heading home. Wait, I am home. No packing it up. No giving up. This isn't just for weight loss. Which I know I'm losing because my tummy is smaller. I can tell.

Pat has been my saving grace in this though. He helps push me because quitting is not an option. Taking a break however is. We are on week 4 now and I'm a little stressed that we can't get through some of these moves without taking a break. We will be moving onto the second level soon! I'm scared! But I'm committed.

I look at people who have amazing weight loss stories and I really wish that it could be me. I know that my body is different. I know that I have to keep at it a little longer and go a little harder. My body, while being obese, is not unhealthy. I have been working out for years. I have a good base of fitness. My muscles are used to moving and it isn't responding as well as someone who may be working out for the first time. I have to realize this and be more understanding with myself. I'm trying to not beat myself up for not losing any weight. It's hard. I'm not going to lie. I am getting a wee bit frustrated. But I have great support. I can feel my body changing. You should see my guns I'm loving the muscles popping out there.

So that is it for now. Week three is done. Working on week 4. Let me know what your experience with Insanity has been! I'd love to hear from you.

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